Can Hearing Aids Cause Dizziness?
If you know a little bit about the ears, then it may make sense to think that hearing aids can cause some issues with balance, dizziness, and even more extreme cases of vertigo. If you have recently started wearing hearing aids and have noticed a bit of dizziness, then you may want to consider the issue, how your hearing aids might be causing the problems, and what you can do about it.
Can Hearing Aids Cause Dizziness?
Before you do something drastic, like purchasing a new pair of hearing aids, you need to understand what may be causing your issue. Hearing aids do not directly cause dizziness. Balance and equilibrium are controlled by the fluid that sits within the inner ear. If this fluid is disturbed in any way, then you may feel dizzy or unbalanced. A few things that can cause a disturbance are changes in pressure, inflammation, and poor drainage of fluid from the ear.
Since your hearing aid sits in the outer ear canal, it does not come into direct contact with the inner ear, where the fluid is stored. However, the hearing aid can affect the inner part of the ear by placing pressure on it. Pressure buildup can create dizziness. The hearing aid can also trap bacteria in the ear canal that can travel to the inner ear and cause an infection. Trapped debris can cause inflammation as well and reduce the ability of the fluid to drain and retain its equilibrium.
Another issue is when the hearing aid compacts ear wax in the ear. This can cause an increase in pressure as well and dizziness.
What Can Be Done About Dizziness Issues?
Dizziness Issues when wearing hearing aids can typically be remedied. One simple solution is to make sure that the hearing aid vents are completely clear. The vents allow for airflow around the hearing aid. This keeps the aid from becoming warm and moist, and it reduces ear pressure as well. Sometimes the vents are blocked off or closed if you have issues with feedback. However, since dizziness can be far more problematic and uncomfortable than feedback, speak with your audiologist about removing the blockers from the vents. If the vents are not blocked, then clean them daily to remove wax buildup. Your audiologist can provide you with small tools to remove the debris.
To reduce infection and inflammation issues, clean and disinfect your hearing aids before you place them in your ears. Alcohol-free disinfecting wipes should be used on the aids. Also, dry the aids with a clean cotton cloth afterward, so moisture does not build in the ear.
If you still have dizziness issues, then speak with your audiologist of switching the type of aid that you use. Instead of an in-the-ear variety, think about trying a behind the ear variety. Contact a company like Waters ENT Sinus & Allergy for more information and assistance.