Measures to Minimize the Appearance of a Scar
The development of a scar is the body's normal response to an open wound. Collagen is produced to help seal the wound and prevent infection. Additionally, healing cells respond to the wound's inflammation by stopping the bleeding. Although scars serve a beneficial role in the healing process, many people don't like the look of a scar. Thus, they look for ways to eliminate or at least minimize the scar tissue's appearance. A laser treatment can effectively improve the appearance of a scar. However, there are also measures that you can take at home to help the scar from a wound look less noticeable. Here are a few of them.
Treat the Scar Early
The timing of your wound treatment is important. Early intervention can help prevent a scar from becoming more noticeable. Additionally, a wound that is treated early is less likely to develop an extensive, raised formation during scarring. Also, the color of the resulting scar may be closer to your natural skin color.
Keep the Wound Clean
A new wound should be cleaned and disinfected as soon as possible. The introduction of bacteria can cause an infection that may leave a more substantial scar. Topical antibiotic wound treatments can be applied to the affected area. In addition to the antibiotic qualities, these medications often provide moisture. A hydrated wound tends to heal faster and is less likely to develop a scab, which could lead to additional scarring.
Apply Prescription Scar Topical Gel
Your doctor may also prescribe a silicone-based topical gel to treat the scarring at home. These gels compress the wound slightly helping them to flatten out. Additionally, the gels help the wound heal quickly with minimal cosmetic damage.
Silicone forms a barrier over a wound that is quite similar to the natural barrier formed by unbroken skin. Thus, the substance helps to lock in moisture and block the entry of harmful bacteria. The gels can be used consistently until the appearance of the scar is sufficiently minimized. Keep in mind that the prescribed medication is not just for newly formed scars. Many silicone gel applications for scars can lessen the appearance of older scars too.
In addition to a gel that the patient simply spreads over the scarred area, silicone gel scar medications may also be available in the form of sheeting. The coverings already contain the medication, and they are self-adhesive, eliminating the need to bandage an area after the gel has been applied.
To speak with a doctor about prescribing a silicone gel scar medication, schedule an appointment with a medical professional in your local area. Keep these tips in mind when looking for prescription scar topical gel treatments, such as Avocet Polymer Technologies Inc.