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Measures to Minimize the Appearance of a Scar

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The development of a scar is the body’s normal response to an open wound. Collagen is produced to help seal the wound and prevent infection. Additionally, healing cells respond to the wound’s inflammation by stopping the bleeding. Although scars serve a beneficial role in the healing process, many people don’t like the look of a scar. Thus, they look for ways to eliminate or at least minimize the scar tissue’s appearance.…

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4 Advantages Of Wearing A Hearing Aid

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Loud noise, age, or medical conditions such as meningitis and viral infections can affect the nerve cells in your cochlea that send electric signals to the brain. When this happens, the sound is muffled, and you may not hear properly. Likewise, most people with hearing loss have a problem with their speech. Your doctor, after a comprehensive assessment, may recommend a hearing aid to improve your hearing as well as speaking ability.…

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How Cancer Centers Spot Early Warning Signs Of Hard-To-Spot Tumors

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Cancer is one word that nobody wants to hear when they’re in their doctor’s office. Unfortunately, this health problem affects millions of people every year but has become treatable thanks to advances in medicine. That said, many early cancer growths are hard to spot and may become worse before getting diagnosed. As a result, it is necessary to work with a cancer center to help with this issue. Many Cancers Have Minimal Warning Signs…

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Questions You May Have After Being Advised To Have Rotator Cuff Surgery

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Hearing that you have a torn rotator cuff and that you will need surgery to repair it can make your heart sink. This is a rather involved orthopedic surgery and one that will require you to take it easy for several months afterward in order to heal. When the shock of the diagnosis wears off, you’re sure to have questions about rotator cuff repair. Here are some answers. Why is surgery necessary?…

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Male Sexual Health Concerns? Urgent Care Can Help

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If you are a male who has experienced sexual pain or discomfort, you may feel there is nowhere to turn. In fact, some of the pain can feel so bad immediately that you want medical attention but don’t want to wait for a regular doctor’s appointment. Urgent care is available to help with many sexual health conditions. If you have experienced these types of pain, you should seek professional help as soon as possible.…

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How Does A Memory Care Center Differ From Assisted Living

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As your loved one grows older, you may look into assisted living as an option for them to live more safely and comfortably. However, if your loved one deals with memory issues due to dementia or Alzheimer’s, you may want to look for a memory care facility rather than a more typical assisted living home. Memory care centers differ from standard assisted living homes in a few ways that make them very helpful for older adults who struggle with memory problems.…

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3 Ways To Remedy Dryness From Vaginal Atrophy

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Vaginal atrophy occurs when the walls of the vagina become inflamed and become thinner than they were previously. It can lead to many uncomfortable symptoms, including discomfort during sex, discharge, and vaginal dryness. In some cases, it can be even be mistaken for a UTI or yeast infection due to it causing vaginal burning and itching, as well as the urge to urinate more frequently. The leading cause of vaginal atrophy is thought to be a drop in estrogen levels, particularly right before or after menopause.…

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Is A Medical Marijuana Card The Key To Addressing Your Medical Condition?

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As more and more states enact legislation to decriminalize or even legalize recreational marijuana, many people in these states who use medical marijuana for certain health conditions are wondering if there’s any reason to go through the process of getting a medical marijuana card. It turns out there are several reasons to go the medical card route. Here’s what you need to know to make the best choice for you.…

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How Radiation Treatment Will Affect Your Body

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Cancer is something that everyone dreads, but many people either know someone who has it or go through it themselves. Luckily, modern medicine has progressed dramatically since cancers were first discovered, and now many different forms of cancer have quite high survival rates. Radiation treatment for cancer has also gotten a lot better as it has been refined, but it can still be a scary process to enter into without knowing what will happen to you or your body.…

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COVID-19 Testing Basics: What You Should Know

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With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing, it’s no surprise that many people are struggling with their own fears about exposure and testing. This outbreak has been an unprecedented event. As a result, most people are unsure about whether or not they need to be tested for the virus. Understanding the basics of testing is an important first step. Here’s a look at what you need to know about COVID-19 testing. Why Should You Only Get Tested If You Have To?…

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