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Questions You May Have After Being Advised To Have Rotator Cuff Surgery

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Hearing that you have a torn rotator cuff and that you will need surgery to repair it can make your heart sink. This is a rather involved orthopedic surgery and one that will require you to take it easy for several months afterward in order to heal. When the shock of the diagnosis wears off, you’re sure to have questions about rotator cuff repair. Here are some answers. Why is surgery necessary?…

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Male Sexual Health Concerns? Urgent Care Can Help

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If you are a male who has experienced sexual pain or discomfort, you may feel there is nowhere to turn. In fact, some of the pain can feel so bad immediately that you want medical attention but don’t want to wait for a regular doctor’s appointment. Urgent care is available to help with many sexual health conditions. If you have experienced these types of pain, you should seek professional help as soon as possible.…

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How Does A Memory Care Center Differ From Assisted Living

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As your loved one grows older, you may look into assisted living as an option for them to live more safely and comfortably. However, if your loved one deals with memory issues due to dementia or Alzheimer’s, you may want to look for a memory care facility rather than a more typical assisted living home. Memory care centers differ from standard assisted living homes in a few ways that make them very helpful for older adults who struggle with memory problems.…

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