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An Overview Of Sleep Medicine

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Do you snore, have nightmares, or find it difficult to sleep? You may be suffering from a sleeping disorder that requires medical intervention. Sleep disorders cause adverse health and social outcomes without treatment. Patients who have sleep-related conditions see a sleep specialist for diagnosis and treatment. This article provides critical insights into sleep medicine.  What Is Sleep Medicine?  Sleep medicine focuses on preventing, diagnosing, treating, and managing sleep disorders. There is a wide range of sleeping disorders with symptoms like fatigue, breathing complications, abnormal activity in sleep, and excessive sleep.…

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Home Health Aide Services After A Surgical Procedure

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Undergoing an orthopedic surgical procedure could result in needing to modify the manner in which you care for yourself and tend to your responsibilities. A home health aide is a person who provides services that will support healing and acclimate you to your new routine. Temporary Care Home health aide services are not offered solely to the elderly or those who are permanently disabled. Clients like these may qualify for home care services, but a service provider may also be hired to help those who need temporary assistance.…

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Essential Tips About IV Hydration Services

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Intravenous hydration is a way to replenish the body’s fluids and minerals when a person has been vomiting or is severely dehydrated. It involves administering fluid with electrolytes through a “drip” from an intravenous therapy bag into a vein, usually in the arm. The most common types of intravenous hydration fluids are normal saline, dextrose, half-normal saline, and lactated ringers. Why Are IV Hydration Services Important? Unlike oral rehydration, intravenous hydration allows more direct access of fluid to the intravascular space rather than being absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.…

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