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Do Contacts Cause Eye Infections?

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Many first time contact wearer are concerned about the safety of their eyes. There is a misconception that contact lenses cause infection. However, this is not true when following your optometrist’s instructions on how to clean and when to replace your contacts. Here are a few points to consider about the causes of eye infection and lenses. Why Infections are a Concern Improper care leads to developing numerous infections. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cornea infections send patients to the emergency room almost one million times each year.…

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Two Alternative Medicine Solutions For Holiday-Induced Stress

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The holidays are a time of joy, family, and fun. Of course, not every holiday experience is carefree and relaxing. In fact, the holidays, while fun, can also be extremely stressful and anxiety-causing. You may think that there is nothing you can do about your holiday-induced stress other than suffer through it with a smile plastered on your face. However, there are several alternative medicine remedies to help you deal with your holiday-induced stress so that you can get through the holidays unscathed and with less stress.…

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3 Ways To Care For Your Knee Brace

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A knee brace supports your knee in weak spots. Many people, including athletes, wear knee braces after a knee injury. If your chiropractor has prescribed a knee brace, you will need to care for it. This care entails ensuring that the plastic, elastic, and metal parts of the knee brace remains in great condition during its wear. Here are three ways to care for your knee brace. Proper Placement Make sure that you’re following your chiropractor’s instruction on using the knee brace.…

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