Helping You On Your Weight Loss Journey

3 Things To Know About PTSD

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, affects millions of Americans each year. While it’s often associated with soldiers, anyone can have symptoms of PTSD. This disorder occurs following experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening or traumatic event. PTSD occurs in people who have been in combat zones, who have been physically or sexually assaulted, who have been through terrorist attacks, and other experiences that have had an impact. Here are three things to know about this disorder:…

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Keys to Know About Freezing Fat

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If you’re interested in getting the most out of your weight loss and to tone your body beautifully, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to freeze the fat away. By taking the time to look into this procedure, you give yourself access to some of the best medical technology available. With this in mind, read on and apply the following tips so that you can get this procedure from a pro that can transform your life.…

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Can Hearing Aids Cause Dizziness?

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If you know a little bit about the ears, then it may make sense to think that hearing aids can cause some issues with balance, dizziness, and even more extreme cases of vertigo. If you have recently started wearing hearing aids and have noticed a bit of dizziness, then you may want to consider the issue, how your hearing aids might be causing the problems, and what you can do about it.…

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