Helping You On Your Weight Loss Journey

COVID-19 Testing Basics: What You Should Know

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With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing, it’s no surprise that many people are struggling with their own fears about exposure and testing. This outbreak has been an unprecedented event. As a result, most people are unsure about whether or not they need to be tested for the virus. Understanding the basics of testing is an important first step. Here’s a look at what you need to know about COVID-19 testing. Why Should You Only Get Tested If You Have To?…

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How Robotic-Arm-Assisted Knee Surgery Helps Prevent Excess Revision Treatments

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Knee replacement surgery is an important procedure for those with severe knee injuries because it can ensure that their legs are stable and strong. Unfortunately, there is a chance that this surgery may require follow up care or revisions to the initial surgery that may be costly. Thankfully, robotic-arm-assisted surgery can ensure that these revisions need not occur. Follow-Ups to Knee Replacement May Be Costly Knee replacement surgery is a lengthy process that requires a lot of careful precision and proper execution.…

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Tips To Help You Lose Weight And Keep It Off

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Gaining weight is easy, but losing weight and keeping it off is a difficult feat to accomplish. If you have tried to lose weight, then you already know how difficult it can be. It can be a daunting task, as losing the weight can take a lot of time, and for some, this can feel like there is no end in sight and can make you fall off the “weight loss wagon”…

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