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Specialized Physical Therapy Services

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Some patients who are experiencing muscle fatigue or pain may need to follow a specialized physical therapy plan. Cupping, aquatics, and low-intensity exercises are some treatment processes that a physical therapist or occupational therapist may prescribe. Specialized Services There are some situations that warrant seeking specialized physical therapy treatment processes. A patient who was diagnosed with cancer, but is in remission and a patient who has arthritis, muscle degeneration, or a physical deformity may not respond to some of the standard physical therapy processes that are often prescribed.…

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How Echocardiography Plays A Part In Your Stress Test

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A stress test—also called a heart test, a cardiovascular exercise stress test, or cardiac stress test—is a cardiology procedure that checks how well your heart functions while you’re at rest and during physical activity. An echocardiogram is a key part of this procedure. Echocardiography, or an echo, is a type of ultrasound imaging of the heart that uses high-pitched sound waves to produce clear pictures of your heart muscles and chambers.…

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3 Surprising Medical Conditions Perfect for Seeing a Podiatrist

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Your feet help support your body every day as you walk, run, and stand. Each foot contains a complex network of bones, ligaments, muscles, and tendons that must work in tandem. Sometimes a foot-related ailment needs the help of a trained specialist like a podiatrist. Here are three surprising medical conditions a podiatrist can help with. 1. Morton’s Neuroma A podiatrist can help if you develop Morton’s neuroma. Hardening of the tissue around the digital nerve leading to the third and fourth toes characterizes this condition.…

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